I was looking at this latest interview yesterday from independent journalist 108Morris108. As always I enjoy his interviews because he seeks out intelligent people connected to the source of a situation, ideology, or conflict.
Sheikh Ahmed Haneef, who is interviewed in this video, is unique not because he is a black convert to orthodox Islam but because he is a Shia who studied in Qum, Iran. He was once a Sunni Muslim. I really enjoyed this interview because he covered very well in a short period a number of topics from the affects of slavery on blacks to the ideology of Shiism to consumerism and its affects on youth.
I also recommend more of 108Morris108's interviews with various people from Libya, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan and others including some Americans who think outside the box. The link to his YouTube channel is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/108morris108. You don't have to agree with all the ideas on his channel, because I don't with everything either. Some videos are not of interest to me, but most are. I just think it's good to expand the mind at least a little.
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